
Adult: 15-30 mg (as total sennosides) 1-2 times daily.
Child: 2-6 yr: 3.75-7.5 mg once daily in the morning; 6-12 yr: 7.5-15 mg once daily at night or in the morning; ≥12 yr: 15-30 mg at bedtime.
Bowel evacuation
Adult: 105-157.5 mg of sennosides on the day before the procedure. May be given as a liquid preparation.
Nausea or vomiting, undiagnosed abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction.
Warnings / Precautions
Inflammatory bowel disease. Avoid prolonged use.
Adverse Reactions
Mild abdominal discomfort e.g. colic and cramps; diarrhoea, hypokalaemia and atonic non-functioning colon (prolonged use); reversible melanosis coli (chronic use). May colour the urine yellowish-brown at acidic pH or red at alkaline pH.
Mechanism of Actions
Sennosides A and B increase intestinal motility through release of active anthraquinones into the colon by colonic bacteria. Purified sennosides (sennosides A and B) are used similarly to senna.
Duration: 6-12 hr.
Absorption: Some absorption following oral admin.
Distribution: Enters the breast milk.
Metabolism: Unabsorbed senna undergoes hydrolysis in the colon to release the active anthraquinones while absorbed senna undergoes hepatic metabolism.
Excretion: Excreted in the urine & faeces.
Available As
  • Sennosides 11.5 mg
  • Sennosides 12 mg
  • Sennosides 18 mg
  • Sennosides 7.5 mg
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