
Gastrointestinal tract spasm
Adult: As butylbromide: 20 mg 4 times daily.
Child: As butylbromide: 6-12 yr: 10 mg tid.
Genitourinary spasm
Adult: As butylbromide: 20 mg 4 times daily.
Child: As butylbromide: 6-12 yr: 10 mg tid.
Prophylaxis of motion sickness
Adult: As hydrobromide: 300 mcg 30 min before a journey, then 300 mcg every 6 hr if required. Max: 3 doses in 24 hr.
Child: As hydrobromide: 3-4 yr: 75 mcg 20 min before a journey, repeated if needed. Max dose: 150 mcg in 24 hr. 4-10 yr: 75-150 mcg, >10 yr: 150-300 mcg.
Max Dosage: 3 doses in 24 hrs.
Gastrointestinal tract spasm
Adult: As butylbromide: 20 mg IM/IV repeated after 30 min if needed. Max: 100 mg daily.
Max Dosage: 100 mg daily.
Genitourinary spasm
Adult: As butylbromide: 20 mg IM/IV repeated after 30 min if needed. Max: 100 mg daily.
Max Dosage: 100 mg daily.
Prophylaxis of motion sickness
Adult: As patch delivering 1 mg over 3 days: Apply 1 patch at least 4 hr before exposure to motion. To be applied behind the ear.
Prophylaxis of nausea and vomitting
Adult: As hydrobromide: 0.3-0.6 mg.
Child: As hydrobromide: 0.006 mg/kg.
Preoperative sedation
Adult: As hydrobromide: 0.6 mg 3-4 times daily.
Premedication before anaesthesia
Adult: As hydrobromide: 0.2-0.6 mg via SC or IM inj 30-60 minutes before induction of anesth.
Child: As hydrobromide: 15 mcg/kg via SC or IM inj, 30-60 minutes before induction of anesth.
Mydriasis and cycloplegia for refraction
Adult: As hydrobromide: Instil 1-2 drops of 0.25% soln to eye(s) 1 hr before procedure.
Child: As hydrobromide: Instil 1 drop of 0.25% soln to eye(s) bid for 2 days before procedure.
Adult: As hydrobromide: Instil 1-2 drops of 0.25% solution to eye(s) up to 4 times daily.
Child: As hydrobromide: Instil 1 drop of 0.25% soln to eye(s) up to tid.
Narrow-angle glaucoma, acute haemorrhage, paralytic ileus, tachycardia due to cardiac insufficiency, myasthenia gravis.
Warnings / Precautions
Hepatic/renal disease, pyloric stenosis, urinary retention, prostatic hyperplasia, psychosis, seizure disorders, ulcerative colitis, coronary artery disease, tachyarrhythmias, heart failure, hypertension. Elderly, children, pregnancy, lactation.
Adverse Reactions
Flushing, postural hypotension, tachycardia, fibrillation. Rarely psychotic reactions. Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, memory loss. Dry skin, erythema, increased sensitivity to light, rash. Bloatedness, constipation, dry throat, dysphagia, nausea, vomiting, xerostomia. Dysuria, urinary retention. Tremor, weakness. Impaired accommodation, blurred vision, cycloplegia, dryness, narrow-angle glaucoma, increased intraocular pain, itching, photophobia, pupil dilation. Dry nose. Decreased diaphoresis, heat intolerance. Ophthalmic: Somnolence, dermatitis, oedema, exudate, follicular conjunctivitis, increased IOP, local irritation, photophobia, vascular and respiratory congestion.
Potentially Fatal: CNS depression, coma, circulatory and respiratory failure.
Overdose Reactions
Symptoms: Dilated pupils, flushed skin, tachycardia, hypertension, ECG abnormalities, acute psychosis, CNS depression, circulatory collapse, hyperpyrexia, respiratory failure. Management: Artificial respiration with oxygen. Manage fever with ice or alcohol sponges. For severe life-threatening symptoms, give physostigmine 1-2 mg SC or IV slowly; repeat administration after 2 hr as necessary.
Drug Interactions
Additive sedative effects with alcohol or other CNS depressants. Reduced effects with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, tacrine).
Potentially Fatal: Effect potentiated by other anticholinergic drugs and TCAs.
See Below for More hyoscine Drug Interactions
Lab Interactions
May interfere with the gastric secretion test.
Mechanism of Actions
Hyoscine competitively blocks muscarinic receptors and has central and peripheral actions. It relaxes smooth muscle and reduces gastric and intestinal motility.
Onset: Oral, IM: 0.5-1 hr; IV: 10 min.
Duration: Oral, IM: 4-6 hr; IV: 2 hr.
Absorption: Tertiary salts: Readily absorbed. Quaternary salts: Poorly absorbed.
Distribution: Reversibly bound to plasma proteins.
Metabolism: Hepatic.
Excretion: Via urine (as metabolites); 4.8 hr (elimination half-life).
Storage Conditions
Ophthalmic: Store at 8-27°C (46-80°F). Oral: Store at room temperature of 15-30°C (58-86°F). Parenteral: Store at room temperature of 15-30°C (58-86°F). Subcutaneous: Store at room temperature of 15-30°C (58-86°F). Transdermal: Store at 20-25°C (68-77°F).
Ophthalmic: Store at 8-27°C (46-80°F). Oral: Store at room temperature of 15-30°C (58-86°F). Parenteral: Store at room temperature of 15-30°C (58-86°F). Subcutaneous: Store at room temperature of 15-30°C (58-86°F). Transdermal: Store at 20-25°C (68-77°F).
Available As
  • Hyoscine 0.0208 mg
  • Hyoscine Butyl Bromide 10 mg
  • Hyoscine Butyl Bromide 20 mg
  • Hyoscine Butyl Bromide 7.5 mg
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